Health Coaching
Dr. Rivers works with individual clients, helping them reach their health goals by making impactful changes to their lifestyle. She meets each client exactly where they are and identifies opportunities for improvement in each of the six areas of focus: movement, nutrition, sleep, spirituality, connections, and intention. She uses medical evidence to inspire change and the science of habits to help make those changes sustainable. Most importantly, she serves as a trusted companion, keeping clients true to their personal intentions on their journey of transformation.
Our three hour interactive workshop facilitates a self-assessment in each of our six areas of health. Dr. Rivers then meets you where you are, providing an evidence-based approach to lifestyle improvement. Followed by an action oriented discussion of how to implement change in a way that is healthy and sustainable. Participants develop both short and long term goals, leaving the workshop armed with tools that can be used immediately to become happier and healthier people.
Ideal for corporate or team environments.
Keynote Speaking
Dr. Rivers’ keynote lecture offers a roadmap to vitality backed by medical evidence and infused with inspiration. She takes audiences through the six areas of life that must be developed in order to grow their overall health. Participants find themselves both fascinated by the medical data she presents and moved to action by the soul-searching she incites. They leave the talk feeling empowered and moved to action.
Previous audiences include: executives, entertainment industry, corporate teams and medical communities.